GNM Articles
- Bulgarian Translations

Dokumentite, izbroeni tuk, sa napisani ot Caroline Markolin, Ph.D.
(Bŭlgarskiyat prevod vse oshte ne e nalitse)
Prezentatsiya na Nemskata meditsina na d-r Khamer na Mezhdunarodniya kongres za lechenie na rak, Madrid 2005 g.
(Dr. Hamer's German New Medicine presentation at the International  Congress on Cancer Treatment - Madrid 2005)

Kratki statii za GNM
(Short GNM Articles)

(Bŭlgarskiyat prevod vse oshte ne e nalitse)

Chetene na mozŭka
(Reading the Brain)

Novo razbirane za raka na gŭrdata
(A New Understanding of Breast Cancer)

Razbirane na kozhni razstroĭstva
(Understanding Skin Disorders)

Razbirane na alergiite
(Understanding Allergies)

Preosmislyane na osteoporoza
(Rethinking Osteoporosis)

Prirodata na tumorite
(The Nature of Tumors)
Razbirane na „genetichni zabolyavaniya“ v konteksta na GNM
(Questioning the Metastasis Theory)
Teoriya za kantserogenite
(Carcinogens Theory)
Razbirane na „genetichni zabolyavaniya“ v konteksta na GNM
(Understanding "Genetic Diseases" in the context of GNM)
Teoriya za toksinite
(Toxins Theory)
Teoriya na dietata
(Diet Theory)
Rakŭt e gŭbichka?
(Is Cancer a Fungus?)
(Bŭlgarskiyat prevod vse oshte ne e nalitse)