


In response to the ongoing plagiarism of his medical discoveries, Dr. Hamer legally protected his work under the English name German New Medicine®. Yet, the plagiarism, misrepresentations, and renaming of German New Medicine continue to this day.

We at LearningGNM categorically distance ourselves from the groups and individuals listed below. 

... birds of a feather flock together ...

TOTAL BIOLOGY® is an organization founded by Dr. Claude Sabbah, a French medical doctor who had studied with Dr. Hamer in France in the mid-1980s. In 1993, Sabbah was ready to take over the “New Medicine”. Mixed with NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Psychogenealogy (Anne Ancelin-Schutzenberger, Josie Kromer) and other theories, he called his “new science” (sic!) “La Biologie Total” or “Total Biology”. To this day, followers of Sabbah, notably Gérard Athias, Olivier Soulier as well as offshoots of Total Biology, including Biological De-Programming or Biogenealogy (Christian Flèche, Patrick Obissier), Biodecoding® (Anne-Marie Boularand, Daniel Gambartte, Enrique Bouron), BioReprogramming® (Isabelle Benarous), Awareness Heals (Dr. Nelie Johnson), Quantum University (Dr. Paul Drouin), Bioneuroemoción (Enric Corbera), Lecture Biologique (Emmanuel Corbeel), and Recall Healing® (Gilbert Renaud) continue to corrupt Dr. Hamer's original work.
META-Medicine® is plagiarizing Dr. Hamer's discoveries on a large scale. In 2004, Johannes Fisslinger (Los Angeles, CA) and Dr. Anton Bader (Germany) callously took over and renamed Dr. Hamer's medical research of over 20 years! Today, Richard Flook (Canada) acts as the international head trainer. Dr. Bader serves as a “Brain Relay Diagnostics Specialist”?! CAUTION: None of the persons mentioned in this document, including Dr. Bader, have been trained by Dr. Hamer in the skill of brain scan analysis based on GNM.
     Other proponents of this fraudulent organization are Annie Gedye, Cindy Galvin, Rob Waghmare, Deborah Wiggins-Hay, Annie Gedye, Sharon Curry, Joanne Davis, Tremayne Reiss,  Joanne Ross, Dr. Kwesi Anan Odun (UK), Sidse Brodersen, Martin Hejlesen, Lars Mygind, John Rhodes (Denmark), Rob van Overbruggen (Netherlands), Stephane Provencher, D.C., Jane Oelke, Nicole Taylor, Yve Evans, Gregory Dean, Dr. Kevin Chan (USA), Cindy Hubka (Canada), Anu Mehta, Gita Jayakumar (India), and Christa Krahnert (Australia). META-Health® (META-Health University) and Lifestyle Prescription® (Lifestyle Prescription University) are additional trade names of the META-Medicine Association. Richard Flook also operates under the trademark Advanced Clearing Energetics®.
     Despite Dr. Hamer’s remarkable success rate, the founders and followers of META-Medicine persistently claim that GNM cannot offer any therapy (“Dr. Hamer did not use any therapy at all”, “Dr. Hamer’s method and therapy is ineffective”, Fisslinger in a 2016 interview with Dean Sterling Jones). This disinformation only serves as a pretext for the use of techniques and “alternative” treatment methods such as, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy®, Matrix Reimprinting, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Picture Tapping, Body Talk, Heart Math, Color Therapy, Crystal Therapy, Reiki, and the like, that are entirely unrelated to GNM and to the therapeutic approach as practiced and taught by Dr. Hamer.

Peter Fraser developed a body-field scan called NES-Nutri-Energetics System® or BioEnergetiX WellNES System® that supposedly detects “energetic distortions” caused by emotional issues that “might still be presenting as conflicts”. It should come as no surprise that Fraser and META-Medicine are ardent collaborators.

EPFX/SCIO, developed by William Nelson, is a biofeedback device based on a random event generator that tests a large database of items, including ”Hamer Herd facilities“! This alleged ”Cancer Scan“ matches the data of the disturbed brain area with other stored information. Because of the large number of parameters involved, the results are rather unpredictable. Once again, Dr. Hamer's name and research is being carelessly misused.  

Dr. Hamer: “Those groups and individuals who plagiarize and corrupt my discoveries say that GNM cannot offer any therapy. They make the patients, as well as the public at large, falsely believe that their therapies, their remedies, or their devices are an application of German New Medicine. This deception is serving self-interests and only distracts patients from finding help and healing through the truth of the Five Biological Laws. In over 90% of cases, the body heals itself.”
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) is using Dr. Hamer's findings in their Time Line Therapy® Techniques / Time Empowerment™ Techniques without giving credit to Dr. Hamer or providing any reference to the original research material (see NLP Example of a Takeover).  

To erase any traces to Dr. Hamer, in NLP a DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome)
is called a SEE (“Significant Emotional Experience”).

In META-Medicine, the term DHS (see GNM diagram) has been renamed to
STLE (“Specific Traumatic Life Event”).

NLP and META-Medicine are now collaborating in the fraudulent take-over of German New Medicine, joined by Peter Fraser (NES- Nutri-Energetics System®).  
BIOLOGIKA® is the trade name for an organization founded by Roberto Barnai (Hungary). According to his own account, in 2004, after he had received a colon cancer diagnosis, Barnai came across Dr. Hamer's work over the internet. He admits that thanks to the “New Medicine”, as it was then called, he is today a healthy man. After his recovery, he decided to “share this knowledge with others” but under a different name! While Dr. Hamer was held in prison in France (September 2004 - February 2006; details see Caroline Markolin's letter to the International PEN), Barnai walked away with Dr. Hamer's intellectual property. In 2006, he published the Biologika Organ Atlas (in Hungarian and German). Dr. Hamer: “He stole everything from my books.” – On his website, Barnai writes pretentiously: “Owing to his [Barnai’s] work, today, Biologika is a recognized and accredited subject of the official medical training at Universities throughout Hungary” (see German original). Considering that Dr. Hamer's medical discoveries have been consistently denied by the academic establishment (see University of Tuebingen), this is hard to believe. We, therefore, contacted several universities in Hungary and were informed by all of them that, contrary to Barnai's claim, “Biologika” is not offered in any of the accredited medical education programs. – Meanwhile, Barnai teamed up with Gilbert Renaud and Recall Healing. His representative in the Netherlands is Enikö Papp.   
Academic deceit is evidently also a trait of Marco Pfister. Originally a fervent supporter of Dr. Hamer, Marco Pfister founded in 2003 ALBA (Associazione Leggi Biologiche Applicate) for the purpose of promoting GNM (“Nuova Medicina Germanica”) in Italy. When Dr. Hamer learned that Pfister, who had no medical training and no clinical experience with GNM, issued “diplomas” to medical professionals, claiming at the same time that German New Medicine cannot offer any therapy, the relationship fell apart. In 2013, Pfister transformed ALBA into “Formazione Professionale 5LB” (Professional Training 5 Biological Laws) and joined the new organization to the Université Europèenne Jean Monnet (UEJM) in Brussels. At first, this sounds impressive. A closer look, however, reveals that the UEJM is not a “university” but a non-profit association (registered in Belgium) with no academic accreditation. As a member of UEJM, Pfister offers a four-year 5LB master program and at the end of the fifth year, a student receives the title “Professor of 5LB”. Right after he had joined the UEJM, Pfister awarded himself with a "Doctorat en 5 Lois Biologiques", “certified” by the UEJM, that is, from his own organization.
Nicolas Barro belongs to a group in Germany (led by David Münnich) that renamed German New Medicine to  “5BN” (Dr. Hamer: “I expressly forbid you to rename and corrupt the ‘Germanische Neue Medizin’”, Source: Open letter to Barro, 10/08/2007). Barro likes to present himself as a medical expert (Dr. Hamer: “I consider you and your accomplices as practitioners of GNM entirely unqualified”). In Germany, Barro gives “5BN” courses for health practitioners and for future “5BN Dozenten” (the German term for university lecturers). In Asia, he produces advertising literature for representatives of META-Medicine! In this 63-page booklet (“professional content by Nicolas Barro”, “English version by Nikki Merz and team”), he summarizes Dr. Hamer's findings by carefully omitting the name of the originator. Instead, he writes nebulously, “the content is based on modern scientific discoveries and ancient methods”!  
In 2017, Dr. Melissa Sell, a chiropractic doctor in the U.S., appeared out of nowhere to present herself as a German New Medicine authority. We came to know Dr. Sell through the GNM videos she posted on YouTube. As in her podcasts, in most of these presentations she copiously “borrowed” material, in parts verbatim, from this GNM website without any reference to the source. After she was reminded of her copyright violation, she added an acknowledgment to some of the videos. However, the unauthorized copying from continues.  
     A serious matter of concern is Dr. Sell's lack of knowledge of the practical application of GNM. The so-called “Resolve Method” that she promotes via the online “Ever Better Life University”(!) founded by her and her partner Steven Ravnstag, is in total contradiction to the GNM approach, supported by Dr. Hamer's clear statement: “When I discovered the First Biological Law, I thought that one has to resolve all conflicts as quickly as possible. Today, I know that this was a mistake.” Anyone with a basic knowledge of GNM is aware that under certain circumstances, a conflict resolution can lead to life-threatening complications during the healing phase (see GNM Therapy). The catchy slogan “Conflict Resolution is a Lifestyle” Dr. Sell uses to draw people into her “Resolve Community” is both irresponsible and dangerous. Through her videos, Facebook activities, and the postings on her websites she is making the public falsely believe that she is a competent GNM therapist. The truth is that Dr. Melissa Sell has never undergone any German New Medicine training! Those who are looking for support, particularly with respect to the proper practical use of GNM, must therefore be on alert.    
    In 2018, Dr. Sell teamed up with Ingmar Marquardt from Germany. Marquardt, an associate of 5BN, created a German cartoon about the Five Biological Laws, “historically called GNM”, according to his advertisement. The vilification of the scientific value of GNM as well as the cartooned depiction of Dr. Hamer and of the death of his son Dirk is a disgrace, showing the "5BN"(!) logo on Dr. Hamer’s chest a mockery. Yet, Dr. Sell did not hesitate to serve as the English speaker for this “5BN” for Dummies production.  
In early 2019, Dr. Sell joined forces with Andi Locke Mears (NC) to form the “USA German New Medicine” association. In April 2021, they changed the name of their organization to “Germanic Healing Knowledge Global” with Nellie Barnett (Australia) as a co-founder. Andi Locke Mears’ self-designated role within that organization is to “teach and support practitioners as they learn to use GNM with their clients”. Ms. Locke Mears has attended several classes with Caroline Markolin. However, to position herself as a qualified GNM trainer of U.S. health professionals and as an instructor of the clinical application of GNM is, in our opinion, highly questionable. It is, furthermore, most disconcerting that the founders of “USAGNM”/"GHK Global" offer their members an online platform for their “business”, that is, for the promotion of products and modalities that are entirely unrelated to GNM. It is obvious that Dr. Sell and Andi Locke Mears don’t fully comprehend Dr. Hamer’s work, particularly with respect to the GNM Therapy, and are not willing to accept that German New Medicine® is not just another “complementary” or “alternative” medicine but stands on its own.
    Benefiting from the untimely death of Helmut Pilhar, who was Dr. Hamer’s closest collaborator in the German-speaking world, in 2022, Andi Locke Mears teamed up with Nick Capetanis to establish the “GHk Pilhar Academy”. This relationship ended in 2023. In a public letter, the management of the “Academy” separated from the collaboration with Andi Locke Mears due to several conflicts of interest, including concerns about the “integrity and purity” of passing on Dr. Hamer’s discoveries. Since early 2024, Andi Locke Mears partners with a medical doctor from Europe (Croatia), who prefers not to disclose his name … and the saga continues.
M. Barış Muslu (Turkey), author of Sağlığına Format At (Format your Health), is marketing his takeover of German New Medicine® under the brand name NeuroFormat, a modality built on Dr. Hamer’s discoveries, mixed with NLP and EFT. He never gives credit to Dr. Hamer research as the source of his GNM knowledge.
Dr. David Holt, D.O. HMD (Integrative Medical Center, Nevada) falsely presents himself as "the leading U.S. physician in German New Medicine". In his YouTube video “German New Medicine. Creating a Heart Attack - An Animal Study”, Dr. Holt shows in an interview with Dr. Mercola how a “territorial loss conflict” was intentionally inflicted on a healthy dog. When, six weeks later, the experimenters returned the animal to his territory, the dog had a fatal heart attack (commented by Dr. Mercola and Dr. Holt with laughter). Dr. Hamer strongly opposes the testing on animals! Dr. Hamer: “today's animal testing is nothing but cruelty, ignoring that animals have a soul. Therefore, I allow myself the following prediction: one day, all animal experimentation will be exposed as a disgrace for our whole society and will be seen as a testimony to our unspeakable lack of knowledge and sensitivity“ (see also Carcinogens Theory).  
Dr. Keith Nemec, a chiropractic physician located in Illinois (USA), offers consultations for prospective patients through this German New Medicine page of his website. We must emphasize that there is no connection between Dr. Hamer’s German New Medicine and Dr. Nemec’s “Revolution New Medicine”. This includes the Total Health™ therapeutic protocol of his clinic. The statements in association with German New Medicine (see this excerpt) are a grave misrepresentation of Dr. Hamer’s original discoveries.
Since we keep receiving inquiries about the “German New Medicine” Facebook page, hosted by John Theobald (Canada), we must make it clear that is not associated with that page. Because of his obvious misuse of the trademark German New Medicine® through the presentation of subjects that are entirely unrelated or contradictory to Dr. Hamer's work as well as his postings of personal comments under a protected trade name, we firmly distance ourselves from John Theobald’s Facebook activities.

Updated November 5, 2024