Biological conflicts: scent conflict of “not being able to smell something or someone” or, the opposite, “not wanting to smell something or someone”.

Brain and Organ Level: Scent conflicts correspond to the olfactory nerves that are controlled from the diencephalon (interbrain), located in the central part of the cerebrum just above the brainstem. The olfactory nerves in the left nasal cavity are controlled from the right side of the diencephalon. The olfactory nerves in the right nasal cavity are controlled from the left side of the diencephalon.

NOTE: A person’s biological handedness and whether the conflicts are mother/child or partner-related determine on which side of the diencephalon the conflicts register.

The constellation is established, the moment both olfactory nerves relays are affected. The constellation can be permanent or reoccurring due to tracks or conflict relapses.
The Scent Constellation presents as olfactory hallucinations or phantosmia (compare with hyperosmia, an increased sensitivity to smell).  

A person in this constellation smells an odor, usually unpleasant, that is not present in the physical environment. The purpose of the hallucination is to be a warning in association with a smell or stench that was present when the scent conflicts first occurred (compare with auditory hallucinations and visual hallucinations). The olfactory hallucination could be the odor of a certain chemical or something that smells burned, smoky, rancid, exceedingly sweet, foul, spoiled, fecal, rotten, or putrefied (cacosmia), depending on the original conflict situation. This is why the phantom smell varies from person to person.

NOTE: Conflict activity with only one conflict related to the olfactory nerves causes hyposmia or anosmia, a reduced or complete loss of smell. It has been observed, that olfactory hallucinations often occur in people who experienced a loss of smell. Based on GNM, the reason for a change from hyposmia to phantosmia is the constellation (an additional scent conflict corresponding to the other brain hemisphere).