Brain and Organ Level: The corresponding brain relays are the control centers of the laryngeal mucosa (left temporal lobe) and the bronchial mucosa (right temporal lobe), located opposite each other in the cerebral cortex. NOTE: The laryngeal muscles and bronchial muscles are related to the Laryngeal Asthma Constellation and Bronchial Asthma Constellation respectively. In this case, the constellation generates physical rather than mental symptoms (see also Stuttering Constellation).

Once the second conflict occurs, the person is in constellation and manic-depressive (compare with primary mania and primary depression). Whether the manic or depressed mood is dominant is determined by which of the two conflicts is stronger. The constellation can be permanent or recurring due to tracks or conflict relapses.

NHS = Normal hormone status     LTS = Low testosterone status    LES = Low estrogen status

*With left-handers the conflict is transferred to the other brain hemisphere

The Flying Constellation manifests itself as an escape from reality. The purpose of the constellation is to allow the individual to “rise above the conflicts” in order to handle the underlying fears. Someone who has to endure enormous frights and terror (abuse, torture, war) would not be able to survive without that constellation.

This brain scan of a right-handed female shows a Flying Constellation (view the GNM diagram) with the impact of the related conflicts in the control centers of the laryngeal mucosa (left temporal lobe) and bronchial mucosa (right temporal lobe).
Dr. Hamer: “Each flyer flies differently.”

People in a Flying Constellation are of a dreamy nature. They are the classic procrastinators that start projects and never finish them. They do everything last minute, postpone tasks and appointments, miss deadlines, are disorganized, and chronically late. Flyers are easily distracted. They have difficulties living in the present moment. They also tend to be in denial, including failures and defeats. Typically, they avoid dealing with uncomfortable life circumstances. Instead of addressing problems they escape into oblivion. Not fully aligned with the physical reality, they come across as space cadets that are out of touch with reality. Often, they choose professions or hobbies that have to do with flying (airplane or helicopter piloting, para-gliding, hang-gliding, skydiving, parachuting) and are drawn to high terrains (extreme mountain climbing). With a maturity stop, a passion for model planes or kites is carried into adulthood.  
“Flyers” are chronically messy and untidy (compare with Autistic Constellation). Most of the time, they are not even aware of the mess. In fact, the constellation prevents them from putting plans of cleaning up into practice. If the mess is getting out of hand, this is commonly referred to as the “messie syndrome” (compare with hoarding with a Kidney Tubules Constellation). NOTE: Self-neglect and living in filth and squalor is related to a depressive state (primary depression or manic-depression). The depressive is unable to care for himself and his surrounding (“Diogenes syndrome”).
Contrary to someone in a Kidney Collecting Tubules Constellation who has a persistent need to stay close to home, “flyers” are compulsive travelers and explorers (Dr. Hamer called the Flying Constellation also the “Explorer Constellation”). They have a fascination with cosmology, astronomy, space travel, UFOs, and extraterrestrial life. Together with a Mytho Constellation, a writer might be inclined to produce works of science fiction or an outer-space epic such as Star Wars. Fantasy worlds such as The Land of Oz (L. Frank Baum), Alice's Wonderland (Lewis Carroll), Gulliver's World (Jonathan Swift), or Middle-Earth (J.R.R. Tolkien) emerged from these constellations.

A Flying Constellation might be noticeable in dreams. Typical for the manic phase are dreams of lifting up and flying through the air. A sensation of floating upwards is also felt when the eyes are closed while awake. Conversely, dreams of falling occur during periods of depression. In this case, there is a sensation of falling or floating downwards when the eyes are closed. Episodes of sleepwalking are caused by conflict relapses that are triggered during sleep or by scary nightmares that put the sleeper temporarily into constellation.

What is known as “pavor nocturnus” (night terror, sleep terror) is an acute Epileptoid Crisis involving a scare-fright conflict or territorial fear conflict of a Flying Constellation. The symptoms (feelings of dread, sweating, rapid breathing, fast heart rate) are similar to a panic attack (see Frontal Constellation). During the nocturnal bout, the person bolts upright, gasps, and screams. Night terrors often occur in children but also happen in adults, for example, among those suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (see Manic-Depressive, Psychotic Attacks). Depending on the intensity of the conflict, the episodes happen in intervals of days or weeks but also over consecutive nights or multiple times in one night. Typically, the individual is confused, disoriented, unresponsive, and unable to recognize others (bed partner, children their parents), which points to a concurring Brainstem Constellation, including a KCT Constellation
The Flying Constellation is also the launch point for astral travel and out-of-body experiences (OBE). People who had an OBE report that they first had the experience of separating from the body during a “scary” event such as physical abuse, an accident, or a serious medical condition, for instance, a heart attack. Frequently, OBEs and near-death experiences (NDE) go together (“I had a near-death experience at the age of 18. My ex-boyfriend ambushed me and knocked me down with an iron bar. Suddenly, I felt very warm and I saw myself lying on the ground …  then I was back in my body and noticed that I was streaming with blood”, translated from Attempts to self-initiate an OBE are most likely only successful when the constellation is reactivated through a track. The scare-track might have been established during the first (“terrifying”) OBE incident. Experts in out-of-body experiences such as Paul Elder or William Buhlman, who undertook extensive OBE training at The Monroe Institute, are most certainly “flyers”, in GNM terms.

Paul Elder, author of Eyes of an Angel (2005), had his first out-of-body experience when he suffered, at the age of 41, a heart attack. “The floating was kind of scary!”.

Watch Paul Elder's talk in this video (The Afterlife and New Explorations of Consciousness)

People in a Flying Constellation are drawn to the supernatural and the paranormal. The constellation enables a person to tune into dimensions beyond the physical plane, connect with loved ones who had passed over, or communicate with elementals, fairies, angels, and spirits. Dr. Hamer's findings offer an entirely new understanding of the source of ESP abilities such as precognition or clairvoyance. Discoverers, inventors, or artists who report having perceived “inspirations out of nowhere” are blessed with this constellation (see also Hearing Constellation). The Flying Constellation allows reaching deep meditative states. Hallucinogenic drugs, techniques that alter the state of consciousness as well as hypnosis, including self-hypnosis, work best in this constellation.

Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) was a Swedish inventor, scientist, and philosopher. He wrote scientific works in almost every scientific subject, including mathematics, geometry, physics, chemistry, metallurgy, cosmology, astronomy, anatomy, physiology, and zoology.

On a very particular day, namely on April 7, 1744, at the age of 54, Swedenborg experienced a spiritual awakening. “From that day forth, I gave up the study of worldly sciences and I labored in spiritual things. The Lord opened my eyes, so in the middle of the day, I could see the other world and in a state of perfect wakefulness conversed with angels and spirits.” For the remainder of his life, Swedenborg spent much of his writing time documenting his spiritual experiences and relating what he had seen and heard in the spiritual world.

Watch the documentary Splendors of the Spirit: Swedenborg's Quest for Insight in this video
In Der Meister und sein Mythos [The master and his myth], Johann S. Mohr portrays the life of Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) from the perspective of GNM. Rudolf Steiner is known as the founder of anthroposophy, “a path of knowledge aiming to guide the spiritual element in the human being to the spiritual in the universe” (Steiner). In his brilliant biography, published in 2007, Mohr reveals the constellations and conflicts in Steiner’s life that gave him access to the spirit world, enabled him to enormous productivity (Autistic Constellation), and provided him with the manic energy to write twenty books, four dramas, a few thousand pages of articles, richly annotated editions, explicitly of Goethe’s scientific writings, and to give over 6000 lectures (see Mytho Constellation). 
A strong Flying Constellation can generate complex visual hallucinations (compare with auditory hallucinations and olfactory hallucinations), including religious visions caused, for instance, by frightening punishments for “sinful deeds” or by threats of ending up in hell. Together with a Megalomania Constellation, this might create messianic delusions or delusions of being an important religious figure. Here we find the self-proclaimed prophet and founders of religious cults.

Joseph Smith (1805-1844), the founder of Mormonism and the Latter-day Saints movement, was subjected to severe corporal punishments by his father (Source: Jon Krakauer, Under the Banner of Heaven, 2003). This could certainly have caused scare-fright conflicts, territorial fear conflicts, and self-devaluation conflicts, putting him into a Flying Constellation and Megalomania Constellation

According to Smith, he experienced a series of visions, including one in which an angel directed him to a buried book of golden plates. In 1830, Smith published what he said was an English translation of these plates, the Book of Mormon.

“She now receives love, attention, and invisible presents
from a hallucinatory gentleman who visits faithfully each evening”
(Oliver Sacks, Hallucinations)

In his book Hallucinations (2012), the late neurologist Oliver Sacks presents cases of “ecstatic seizures” that prompt visual hallucinations, dreamlike fantasies, altered states of consciousness, out-of-body experiences, or euphoric religious feelings. Interestingly, in neurological research, this type of “seizures” is referred to as “temporal lobe epilepsies”! In the context of GNM, an “ecstatic seizure” occurs during the Epileptoid Crisis of a Flying Constellation (view the GNM diagram).  

If the related conflicts (scare-fright conflict and territorial fear conflict) also involve the laryngeal or bronchial muscles relay in the motor cortex, this can trigger simultaneously a generalized epileptic seizure, or grand mal.

According to his own account, the Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881) experienced his first epileptic seizure one Easter night during the time of his banishment in Siberia. His seizures were accompanied by a mystical feeling of bliss, “The air was filled with a big noise and I tried to move. I felt the heaven was going down upon the earth and it had engulfed me. I have really touched God” (Colin Grant, A Smell of Burning: The Story of Epilepsy, 2016).

On November 16, 1849, a Russian court had sentenced Dostoevsky, along with others, to death for his allegedly antigovernment activities linked to a radical intellectual group that advocated for social reforms and the abolition of Russian serfdom. On December 22, he was led before the firing squad but received a last-minute reprieve. Instead of his execution, Dostoevsky had to serve four years of exile and hard labor at a prison camp in Siberia. It was then that he had his first “ecstatic seizure” (caused by scare-fright and territorial fear conflicts and conflicts of “feeling stuck”).
A Flying Constellation could also result in the feeling of being an outside observer of one’s body (similar to an OBE) or of being alienated from one’s surrounding (like living in a dream or in a movie). The outside world might be perceived as visually distorted (objects appear smaller or larger than they actually are). In psychiatry, this is termed “depersonalization/derealization disorder”. Here we also find kinetic hallucinations, or motor hallucinations, a sensation that the body or part of it is moving. The extent of the altered self-awareness and twist of reality is determined by the degree of conflict-activity. Recurring episodes point to tracks or conflict relapses.
With a concurrent Postmortal Constellation (Suicidal Constellation), the severely depressed “flyer” develops suicidal thoughts. The suicidal act is triggered by a sudden shift into a manic state that occurs through setting on a conflict track or because of a conflict relapse. The typical way of taking one’s life is by jumping from high places (off a cliff, off a mountain, off a bridge, out the window) or hanging (compare suicide with a Postmortal Constellation or Aggressive Constellation). In GNM, we are able to conclude from the specific suicidal thoughts the conflicts that caused the constellations. NOTE: Even without suicidal tendencies, a person in a Flying Constellation has a strong urge to jump when standing at a bridge railing or at a mountain ledge; it is an impulse that is difficult to control.