February 6th, 2016
“He wanted to be separated from something”
Dear Mr. Pilhar,
Once again, we can see how incredibly well GNM works! It is absolutely correct.
I cannot say precisely when it all started, because it began in subtle ways. All of a sudden, my son got blisters under the armpit, with a red flare around them. It all began at about the end of the summer, early autumn of last year.
More and more blisters appeared, mainly under the armpit, spreading laterally along the ribs. I began to watch him closely, and it struck me that some healed, accompanied by slight itching, but others appeared. It was clear to me, that this was a separation conflict; he wanted to be separated from something.
The layout of the blisters was as if one was taking him under one’s arm. Even where the thumbs would touch, there were bubbles. If one would apply some color, a hand would appear exactly where the dots appeared.
I began to ponder what he wanted to be separated from. My son is right-handed. The blisters were on the right side.
Meanwhile, we were into March, the blisters were still there. Some healed, others came back.
Then one day - hair washing day was announced – and suddenly the scales fell from my eyes! My son hated washing his hair, even when only hinted at, and he rebelled against taking a bath. But, because he liked to play in the sand and often had a pile of sand in his hair, it just had to be done from time to time.
I suspect that he hated washing his hair because once he got shampoo into his eyes. Unfortunately, during such times we had to hold on to him, grasping him under the armpit, quickly rinsing his hair while he screamed with rage, and then, of course, immediately releasing him.
This is why I started my GNM "therapy" as follows... I bought some Baby shampoo, which smelled really good and told him that it belonged only to him, so he could have the most amazing hair after washing it and it would smell better than anyone else’s in the whole wide world. And I gave him the choice to use the Baby shampoo whenever he liked.
In addition, for me the most important consideration was that he should experience the touch under the armpit as something positive again. That's why I did it like this: I massaged and caressed his little blisters every day while he fell asleep. In addition, we counted them for him every morning, when of course there was always one less. Also, in the morning I massaged and “caressed the dots away". He enjoyed that very much, and was always happy when I said, "Wow – awesome! Another one is gone."
Furthermore, initially, I did not wash his hair for a while. We simply drove regularly to the indoor swimming pool, where showering did not bother him, where he could step under the shower by himself.
At the beginning, the "dots" were a bit worse in the short term, redder, and they began to itch and burn.
But then the "dots” started to heal in earnest. I massaged and caressed him every day, and every single day I told him that there was one less.
Regarding the hair washing, we did the following …He was allowed to lie down in the tub; he carefully put his head in my hand, where I caressingly poured water over his head – carefully and slowly – which he liked very much. That was what we initially did all the time, until one day he wanted to take his shampoo. I used a tiny pea-size portion, so that nothing came into his eyes, but the hair nevertheless smelled good. Of course, his siblings then smelled his hair and even his grandpa was invited to declare how nice his hair looked and smelled after washing it.
Now it is the beginning of June and to date his "dots" are healed, and none have re-appeared. Hair washing is no longer a disaster and everything is back to normal.
Because I had the chance to get to know GNM, have understood and applied it, my child is now rid of his months-long rash.
GNM Explanation: This is a great example showing that a mother who knows GNM can deliberately search for the conflict and change a given situation so that her child’s rash can heal. The blisters are on the right side (under the armpit) because this is the area he associated with the separation conflict (not wanting to be held there). In GNM we call this a localized conflict. In this case the handedness and mother/child-partner relation is irrelevant.
Translated from the original German document
Disclaimer: The information in this testimonial does not replace professional medical advice.