Dr. Hamer discovered that mental diseases (psychoses), mood disorders (manic depression), and behaviors such as hostility, social withdrawal, perfectionism, hypersexuality, or excessive talkativeness are caused by what he called a “schizophrenic constellation”. In psychiatry, the word “schizophrenia” is used as a diagnostic term for a wide range of mental illnesses. In GNM, a “schizophrenic constellation” means that a person is conflict-active with two biological conflicts that correspond to both brain hemispheres. The combination of conflicts determines whether the constellation manifests itself as delusions (paranoid delusions, delusion of grandeur), hallucinations (visual, auditory, olfactory), impaired cognition (ADD, short-term memory loss), abnormal movements (motor tics), obsessive thoughts (about death, sex, harming someone, suicidal ideation), compulsive behaviors (hyperactivity, compulsive ritualistic behavior, self-injury, compulsive lying, hoarding), or as a manic-depressive condition (“bipolar disorder”). The degree of the mental state and constellated behavior is proportional to the intensity of the conflicts.

Mental diseases and mood disorders develop like physical diseases according to the Five Biological Laws. This implies that they
originate from a DHS (an unexpected, emotionally distressing event) followed by a conflict-active phase and, provided the conflict(s) can be resolved, by a healing phase.

have a brain correlate (a brain scan shows the impact of the related conflicts in the corresponding brain relays).

have an organ correlate (the Biological Special Programs that generate the mental symptoms also run on the organ level).
Dr. Hamer: “There is no psychosis without an organ correlate just as there is no organ disease without a correlation to the psyche. On a brain scan, we can see both, the psychosis and the physical disease. If we know one level, we also know the other two. This is important when it comes to making a diagnosis.”

NOTE: In psychiatry and psychology the psyche is viewed as entirely separated from the body. In GNM, the psyche is regarded as an integral part of the human biology and inherently connected to the brain. This is why we speak in German New Medicine of biological conflicts rather than of psychological conflicts.

Consistent with the Fifth Biological Law, “mental diseases” are not, as claimed, “abnormalities” (see Theories) but instead innate survival strategies that are activated from the conflict-related brain relays the moment a constellation is established. A person dealing with only one conflict is already in a changed mental state (continuous dwelling about the conflict situation) but still able to keep the mental boat on course. A mental overload with more conflicts, however, generates seemingly disordered (“crazy”) thoughts and behaviors that, in reality, allow the individual to better cope with two (or several) coinciding conflicts. The alterations (cell proliferation or cell loss) on the related organs offer additional support on the physical level. 
The role of the brain: Under normal conditions, the two brain hemispheres vibrate in a balanced rhythm. When a biological conflict registers in the related brain relay, the side of the brain that receives the shock (DHS) vibrates in a different rhythm. The moment a second conflict impacts in the other brain hemisphere, the brain rhythms of both sides of the brain are out of synch. It is the altered brain rhythm of both brain hemispheres that creates an altered mental state and the constellation-related symptoms and behaviors.

This brain scan shows a Flying Constellation, visible as sharp ring configurations (Hamer Foci) in the control centers of the laryngeal mucosa (left temporal lobe) and bronchial mucosa (right temporal lobe).

A strong DHS that completes a constellation causes instantly an acute psychotic state (see psychotic attacks). It takes about 2 to 3 months for the “quivering” brain to settle. After that period the constellation gradually stabilizes.

NOTE: Alcohol and drugs change the brain rhythm of the entire brain. Hence, if a person suffers a DHS, for example a territorial anger conflict, while drunk or on drugs he/she acts constellated (manic, depressed, aggressive, withdrawn) already with one conflict. By the same token, alcohol and drugs reinforce a constellated behavior! Brain injury or brain surgery also alters the brain rhythm. This explains personality changes that have been observed with people who had been operated on the brain or following a brain injury.  

The two conflicts can occur simultaneously or in sequence. The first conflict might already happen at an early age, for example, an abandonment conflict because of the loss of a grandparent, a self-devaluation conflict experienced at school, or a sexual conflict due to sexual abuse. The second conflict could take place years or even decades later. It is the second conflict, for instance, an indigestible morsel conflict, a territorial loss conflict, or the unexpected loss of a loved one that activates a constellation and the related mental and behavioral changes.

A person can suffer at once two conflicts of the same nature, for example, two nest-worry conflicts (worries about a child and a partner), two separation conflicts (from both parents), two self-devaluation conflicts (associated with a parent and a teacher), prompting instantly a constellation.

NOTE: If someone perceives his mother or child also as a partner or, conversely, when a partner is also perceived as one’s child or mother and the conflict corresponds to paired organs such as the breasts, then the DHS (nest-worry conflict, separation conflict) affects simultaneously both brain hemispheres creating, in this case, a Cerebellum Constellation or a (Post)Sensory Cortex Constellation.

A constellation can be brought on when one DHS has two aspects. A cancer diagnosis, for example, could trigger at once an existence conflict (a fear for one’s life) and a death-fright conflict resulting in a Brainstem Constellation.
A constellation can be permanent or recurring due to tracks or conflict relapses. Tracks associated with the conflicts (a certain person, location, subject) intensify the current mental state or reactivate a constellation after one of the two conflicts (or both) has been temporarily resolved (see psychotic attacks). Sudden depressive moods, fits of rage, instant social withdrawal, impulsive suicides, or spontaneous crimes are, typically, triggered by setting on a conflict track or when the same conflict(s) happens again. Persistent conflict activity creates a lasting constellation, ranging from mild to severe, depending on the degree of the corresponding conflicts.

Manic and depressed moods, or a manic-depression, only develop with Temporal Lobes Constellations.

In constellation, a person is in double sympathicotonia (nervous, restless). Stress, additional conflicts, stimulants such as coffee or energy drinks as well as drugs and medication with sympathicotonic properties (cortisone, cytostatic drugs, morphine) exacerbate the current mental condition.
Conflict Resolution: Once one of the two conflicts is resolved, the person is no longer in constellation and subsequently, the mental state and behavior return to normal. At that point, the corresponding organ also goes into healing causing, for example, bronchitis, laryngitis, hepatitis, a urinary tract infection, or hemorrhoids, depending on the nature of the underlying conflict. Caution: With intense conflict activity a conflict resolution can lead to serious complications such as an occlusion of the bile ducts after the resolution of a territorial anger conflict or to the development of a large brain edema since healing also takes place on the brain level. We also have to take into account the Epileptoid Crisis that is initiated at the height of the healing phase. The Epi-Crisis is a brief, intense reactivation of the conflict(s). Hence, during that period the reoccurring mental symptoms are much stronger (see psychotic attacks). If a constellation involves one of the two heart relays, this could trigger a coronary arteries-related heart attack or a lung embolism. Hence, the “clearing” of conflicts as it is done by certain modalities can lead to devastating results!

The GNM approach: With severe constellations, Dr. Hamer strongly advises that the conflicts should not be resolved but rather downgraded. The objective is to transform a hyper-constellation into a hypo-constellation. The main reason for this approach is to prevent complications that potentially arise during the healing phase, particularly during the Epileptoid Crisis.

Dr. Hamer: “When I discovered the First Biological Law of the New Medicine, I thought, in my enthusiasm, that one has to resolve all conflicts as quickly as possible. Today, I know that this was a mistake. There are conflicts we have to take with us into the grave so that we can live longer” (Vermächtnis einer Neuen Medizin, Vol. 2, p. 55).