Friedrich Bartling
April 17, 2009
"My fear of cancer has completely vanished"
In the summer of 1982, I was told that I had cancer of the larynx, even though I was physically in top condition. At work and at 'play' everything was going very well.
I had been recalled to the Soccer League in order to help train the team - although, at 42 years of age, I was a virtual soccer Methuselah. After I basically saved the team from being demoted to a lower level, I decided to play one more game. Near the end of it, I suddenly found myself unable to shout an instruction to a team mate.
After being very hoarse for three weeks, I finally went to see a doctor. He discovered a tumor in my throat and sent me to the University Clinic in Kiel. What I experienced there defies any description. My appointment was for 10 am. I was asked to wait in a room with about 50 to 60 other people - and all had been scheduled to be there at the same time! One of the people appropriately commented that he felt like an animal in a slaughterhouse.
It was finally my turn in the afternoon. Two doctors explained to me, that there was no question that I would have to have surgery. To play it safe, the entire larynx should be removed. However, the Ear Nose Throat Specialist in Flensburg had warned me about this, so I insisted on only having the tumor removed. I refused chemotherapy. I was not afraid and the surgery went very well.
In 1984, two years after the surgery, I had a severe recurrence. This time I had tumor growths throughout the whole larynx. I was scheduled for surgery one week later. It turned out, however, that this was no longer necessary, because by that time all tumors had disappeared!
Until 2005, when I first heard about German New Medicine, I believed that I had a 'spontaneous remission'.
However, what had really happened, takes us all the way back to 1982 - which, in hindsight, confirms the accuracy of GNM.
In 1982, before I got the cancer, I was chairman of the employee-committee of the firm I worked for. One day, I had a huge argument with my boss, who promptly told me that I was fired. Even though I could not be fired (because of my position as chairman of the committee), I was still extremely shocked, particularly because my boss and I usually got along very well. [conflict linked to larynx: territorial fear conflict]
After my medical examination in 1984, I had the impulse to visit my former co-worker in my old firm. While I was talking with one of them, my former boss walked in and asked me to come into his office. Well, to make a long story short, we reconciled our differences and misunderstandings. [=conflict resolution]
During the examination on the following weekend, there was not a trace of a tumor. The tumor had practically "disappeared" together with the conciliatory exchange with my boss.
Because of the knowledge of German New Medicine, my fear of cancer has completely vanished.
Thank you, Mr. Pilhar, and especially Dr. Hamer.
I wish you and your family the very best in your tireless effort in fighting for the recognition of GNM.
With fond regards,
Friedrich Bartling
Translated from the original German document
Disclaimer: The information in this testimonial does not replace professional medical advice.