When the cat is away, the mice will play

Since Dr. Hamer’s passing in 2017, GNM-German New Medicine and GHK-Germanische Heilkunde “academies” keep popping up in cyberspace. The individuals heading these institutes are offering diplomas and certifications for prospective GNM/GHk teachers and practitioners. Yet, they are unable to show such a certification themselves.

Over the years, we have received numerous requests to offer a certification program for aspiring GNM teachers and practitioners. Currently, a legitimate GNM certification can only be provided by an accredited GNM school. This, however, requires that German New Medicine® is officially recognized by the relevant government agency (see Government of Nicaragua). In North America and Europe, this is not likely to happen in the near future. Any GNM or GHk “certification” is therefore meaningless and, at this point in time, worthless

During his lifetime, Dr. Hamer has always emphasized that similar to the studies of conventional and naturopathic medicine, the study of GNM and the training of health professionals must take place at a University level. In addition to the thorough education in the science and practical application of GNM, students would have to take courses in embryology, biology, biochemistry, microbiology, physiology, anatomy, and neurology as disciplines that complement GNM as a natural science. The study of diagnostic imaging, inlcuding radiology, serves as a basis for the interpretation of organ images and, above all, for the analysis of brain scans. On completion of his studies, the graduate would receive the professional title of a “Doctor of German New Medicine (Germanische Heilkunde)”.

NOTE: In the practice of GNM, the analysis of brain CTs is a vital diagnostic tool. Reading brain scans with accuracy takes literally thousands of hours of practice. Understandably, Dr. Hamer has been very concerned about the misuse and unqualified reading of brain scans. For that reason, he strictly disallowed his students to offer “courses in CT analysis”. Knowing whom he can trust, he only trained a few practitioners from Germany and Austria in the art of reading brain scans. Honoring Dr. Hamer’s request and being aware of their responsibility, they are securing this invaluable knowledge for the time when the right conditions are established.

We invite health practitioners that are using or planning to use GNM in their practice to study GNM through our LearningGNM website (see Study Guideline) free of charge.

Dr. Alvin De Leon, D.C., who is running a private clinic in Toronto, Canada, has been practicing German New Medicine since 2011. His success as a GNM practitioner (see his GNM Case Studies) shows that a medical professional can be of great service to his patients without having – at this time - a “GNM certification”.