Aggressive Constellation


Brain and Organ Level: The corresponding brain relays are the control centers of the rectum surface mucosa (left temporal lobe) and the stomach/pancreatic ducts/bile ducts lining (right temporal lobe), located opposite each other in the cerebral cortex.

Once the second conflict occurs, the person is in constellation and manic-depressive (compare with primary mania and primary depression). Whether the manic or depressed mood is dominant is determined by which of the two conflicts is stronger. The constellation can be permanent or recurring due to tracks or conflict relapses.

NHS = Normal hormone status     LTS = Low testosterone status    LES = Low estrogen status

*With left-handers the conflict is transferred to the other brain hemisphere

The Aggressive Constellation manifests itself as compulsive aggressive behavior.
The manic-aggressive is always in a confrontational and polemic mood with an irresistible urge to argue. Sudden aggressive outbursts, verbal eruptions (yelling, using an insulting language), or fits of anger and rage are usually triggered through setting on a conflict track. The encounter with a track (a particular person, situation, subject) is like pushing a button and, without warning, the person snaps, loses control, lashes out, and becomes destructive or violent. What is the purpose of this behavior? For a human (or animal) that is driven into a dead-end situation from where there is no way out, the aggressive act is the last resort of defense. It is the last chance to defend one’s territory and to secure one’s place.
The manic-aggressive is, therefore, able to develop extraordinary strength and toughness, both physically and mentally. Thus, the Aggressive Constellation also creates the rebel, the subversive, the revolutionary, and the activist who fights for his ideas to the very end (in this context, Dr. Hamer referred to the Aggressive Constellation as the “Hero Constellation”). People in this constellation excel through their resoluteness, strong willpower, and boldness.

The Aggressive Constellation has a significant influence on a person’s interests. Here we find, for example, the manic lawyer who turns his compulsion to argue into a professional career. People in this constellation often show a passion for combat sport or fighting sports such as boxing, wrestling, karate, or Mixed Martial Arts. They gravitate towards loud and heavy music (hardcore, punk, metal) with aggressive sounds and angry texts that match their emotions (in comparison, a person in a Postmortal Constellation is rather drawn to melancholic music).

Engaging in reckless behavior (reckless driving, speeding) and seeking out risky situations also reveals an Aggressive Constellation. The consumption of alcohol amplifies the manic state!  

Body piercing and tattoos, once associated with convicts and biker gangs, have become commonplace in today’s society. Interestingly, a study conducted in 2015 by Viren Swami, Professor of Psychology at Anglia Ruskin University (UK), found that people with tattoos have significantly higher levels of verbal aggression and anger compared with people without tattoos. In all fairness, the study stresses that the content of a tattoo is more descriptive of an individual’s character than wearing a tattoo or not.
When children are verbally or physically aggressive, when they are disruptive, disobedient, resentful, act out in class, bully other children, or throw a tantrum, the aggressive behavior is nowadays considered a symptom of “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder” (see ADHD related to a (Post)Sensory Cortex Constellation) or “Oppositional Defiant Disorder”. With GNM we learn to understand that their aggressive conduct is the result of territorial anger conflicts (anger at home, anger at school) and identity conflicts (not knowing where to belong), which is the typical conflict combination of children in today's society (children of divorced parents, of single mothers, of “patchwork families”). The GNM approach focuses, therefore, on addressing the circumstances of the related conflicts rather than on administering drugs such as Ritalin. The best way for parents to prevent or stop the aggressive behavior is to give their children a secure and stable home so that they “know where they belong”. Disciplining a child only reinforces the constellation.

An Aggressive Constellation, whether in children or grown-ups, could also express itself as passive-aggressive behavior displayed, for example, as offensive “silent treatment”, deliberate procrastination, a planned failure to accomplish requested tasks, or as backhanded compliments. Passive aggressive people tend to be sarcastic and scornful. Their style of communication has a vicious edge, their hostile attitude and insulting remarks are intended to hurt the other person. With a maturity stop, the adult acts child-like (pouts, behaves defiantly) with an unwillingness to resolve any dispute.

This brain CT shows an Aggressive Constellation (view the GNM diagram).

The sizes of the Hamer Foci reveal the magnitude of the conflicts and, thus, the extent of the aggressive behavior.
An Aggressive Constellation is the underlying cause of domestic violence. The aggressive act is typically provoked by a track that was established when the territorial anger conflict or identity conflict first occurred. The same conflicts lie at the root of violent outbreaks in psychiatric institutions or penitentiaries. 

Aggression and Substance Abuse: Because of the changed brain vibration under the influence of alcohol, an intoxicated person acts already constellated with only one conflict that corresponds to the temporal lobes. Depending on the exact conflict, the individual becomes lecherous (Casanova Constellation), libidinous (Nympho Constellation), talks excessively (Mytho Constellation), withdraws socially (Autistic Constellation), or, with an Aggressive Constellation, becomes belligerent. 

Taking into account the principle of gender, laterality, and hormone status, in an intoxicated state, right-handers and left-handers show different moods and behaviors. While a right-handed male and left-handed female become with a territorial anger conflict or identity conflict depressed and sink into self-pity, the left-handed male and right-handed female become instead manic and hot-tempered. The same holds true when a drunk sets on a conflict track. Hence, the left-handed man is more likely to become violent than the right-handed man. If an Aggressive Constellation has already been established, both right-handers and left-handers (males and females) have the tendency to be verbally and/or physically aggressive, when the mania-related conflict is emphasized or reactivated.

NOTE: A territorial anger conflict that corresponds to the right temporal lobe affects on the organ level the bile ducts of the liver. Constant conflict relapses lead eventually to the development of liver cirrhosis. The claim that liver cirrhosis is caused by excessive alcohol consumption is a wrong conclusion. However, territorial anger conflicts and drinking often go together.
Whereas the manic-aggressive directs the aggression against others, the depressed-aggressive directs the aggression towards himself. Here we find, for example, the constellated hypochondriac with an obsessive need to suffer from an (imaginary) illness as well as the masochist who gets pleasure from physical pain. His counterpart is the manic sadist, who is driven to inflicting pain on others. Sexual sado-masochism is, in GNM terms, an Aggressive Constellation paired with a Casanova Constellation or Nympho Constellation.

Among today's children and adolescents, self-injury is increasing in an alarmingly fast rate. Self-mutilation involves behaviors such as cutting oneself with scissors, razors, or knives, burning or branding one’s skin with hot objects, obsessive skin picking (dermatillomania) to the point of bleeding, compulsive hair-pulling (trichtilomania), or head-banging – linked to anger at home, anger at school (territorial anger conflict) and “not knowing where to belong” or “not fitting in” (identity conflict).
With a concurrent Postmortal Constellation (Suicide Constellation) the depressed-aggressive develops suicidal thoughts. Due to the Aggressive Constellation, the suicidal fantasies are violent and graphic; they might include images of being cruelly murdered. The suicidal act, prompted by a shift into a manic state, is therefore also performed in a brutal manner such as killing oneself with a fire gun, setting oneself on fire (self-immolation), or self-stabbing (compare with non-violent suicide related to a Postmortal Constellation). The suicide is usually motivated by the intention to hurt the one (partner, parent) who is associated with the territorial anger or identity conflict.

Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890)

“In 1888, Vincent van Gogh left Paris to live in the south of France, in the small country town of Arles. He was terribly lonely in Arles and rarely spoke to anyone. He begged his friend, fellow artist Paul Gauguin, to come and stay with him, in the hopes that the two of them could start an artist colony and focus on painting. Gauguin’s visit was delayed by illness and van Gogh’s letters show how heartbroken he was by this news.

But when Gauguin did finally arrive, things didn’t go well. They argued frequently [territorial anger conflict]. Gauguin’s paintings were selling well in Paris and this most certainly would have made van Gogh incredibly jealous [identity conflict]. Gauguin was a bit arrogant and didn’t treat van Gogh as his equal, putting even more stress on their relationship.

Things got worse for the pair in December 1888. According to Gauguin, on recounting the incident many years later, the two artists had argued and Gauguin was walking it off outside, getting some fresh air. It was then that van Gogh rushed at him with a razor. That same day, on December 23, van Gogh severed his left ear, possibly using the same razor he’d used to attack Gauguin. He wrapped the cloth around his head to ease the bleeding. He passed out from blood loss, was picked up by police and taken to the hospital. Van Gogh did eventually take his life: He went out to a wheat field in Auvers-sur-Oise, likely one he had spent hours while painting, put a pistol to his chest and pulled the trigger. He managed to crawl back to his tiny attic home. His death took two agonizing days. He would finally die on July 29, 1890, at the age of 37” (Vincent van Gogh, Mental Illness and His Ear,  March 3, 2016).

Case Study “Suicidal Thoughts and Aggravated Assaults”: The case concerns Juergen B., a 34 year-old, left-handed male from Germany. In August 1977, Juergen, then 14, went with other children on a holiday trip to Italy. His father was very ill at the time and asked his son to stay with him. When Juergen returned home, his mother was dressed in black. She told him that his father had passed away while he was gone.

At this moment, he suffered a territorial loss conflict (impact in the left temporal lobe in the coronary veins relay, because he is left-handed). To make matters worse, his relatives blamed him that if he had not left, his father would not have died. This triggered a territorial anger conflict (impact in the stomach relay in the right temporal lobe). Juergen was aware that his mother had already a relationship with another man and thought that she might have “helped” her husband to die in order to get rid of him. The fight with his mother escalated to the point that she threw him out of the house and put him in a boarding school. This triggered another territorial loss conflict (right temporal lobe) and territorial anger conflict (left temporal lobe). Now he was instantaneously in a Postmortal Constellation and Aggressive Constellation and manic-depressive, plus, he had a maturity stop. He was predominantly manic since the loss of his father and the feelings of guilt were dominant. Juergen confirmed: “From that time on I was violent.” Each time he had an argument with his mother, he would beat up anyone who stood in his way. When he was depressed, he had thoughts of suicide.

In 1995, after several prison sentences, Juergen met a woman, fell in love, got married, and had a child. Because of his maturity stop (he remained emotionally at the age of 14), she was the “boss” in their relationship. By finding a new home and a wife who loved him, he resolved the territorial conflicts related to his mother, was out of both constellations and therefore no longer violent or suicidal. In 1996, he had a heart attack episode, which he survived due to the previous constellation (see organ level). Source: Ryke Geerd Hamer, Vermächtnis einer Neuen Medizin, Vol. 2, p. 378 (regretfully, the brain scans of this case are not included in the publication).
The Aggressive Constellation explains spontaneous crimes such as murder. With acute conflict activity, the manic-aggressive is a walking time bomb ready to kill. The trigger for executing the violent act is, typically, set off by setting on a mania-related track such as a recurring argument or through the encounter with a person or people associated with the conflict. If someone is going through a depression (primary depression) due to a territorial anger or identity conflict and suffers all of a sudden a strong DHS that activates an Aggressive Constellation (see conflict sequence), a good-tempered individual can turn violent from one moment to the next and run amok. Family tragedies such as killing a parent, one’s spouse and children, or murder out of jealousy as well as school shootings are the tragic outcomes. 

“Long before he killed 32 people in the worst mass shooting in U.S. history, Seung-Hui Cho was bullied by fellow high school students who mocked his shyness and the strange way he talked, former classmates said” (NBC, April 19, 2007).
From the GNM perspective, murder-suicide is caused by an acute manic-depressive state, involving next to the Aggressive Constellation a Postmortal Constellation – a fatal combination of territorial loss conflicts, sexual conflicts, territorial anger conflicts, and identity conflicts.

Antidepressants can prompt an instant shift into a manic mood, resulting in violent behaviors, including murder (see also antidepressants and suicide).

“Despite 27 international drug regulatory warnings on psychiatric drugs citing effects of mania, hostility, violence and even homicidal ideation, and dozens of high-profile shootings/killings tied to psychiatric drug use, there has yet to be a federal investigation on the link between psychiatric drugs and acts of senseless violence” (“Psychiatric Drugs & Violence”, CCHRINT).

This list includes cases of mass shooting of individuals documented to have been under the influence of psychiatric drugs.

Aggressive Constellation combined with other constellations

The sexual offender and rapist is in an Aggressive Constellation and in a Casanova Constellation

An Aggressive Constellation and a Megalomania Constellation produce the murderer who wields power over his victim. The sadistic criminal has, similar to an addiction, the need to torture his victim. The obsessive compulsion is caused by the constellation.  

Brutal dictators and merciless warmongers are in these constellations.

The remorseless murderer who is incapable of feelings of guilt is, at the same time, in a Cerebellum Constellation.

With GNM we have for the first time the research that reveals the biological makeup of a criminal offender. We learn to understand from the perspective of biological conflicts why a person is capable of committing a brutal assault such as homicide. The Aggressive Constellation explains why children who experienced violence at home (territorial anger conflicts and identity conflicts) become violent themselves when they grow up. It has nothing to do with genetic factors, as suggested. If the underlying conflicts are not addressed, the person will be drawn to commit the same crime again after the release from prison or when on parole. What is  in criminology called a “chronic criminal offense” is, in GNM terms, a chronically recurring Aggressive Constellation reactivated through tracks or conflict relapses. Thus, Dr. Hamer's discoveries offer also an entirely new approach for the therapeutic work with inmates!