On the News


The discoveries of
Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer -
presented by Caroline Markolin, Ph.D.

“Coronavirus soldiers go to spray
against coronavirus” (AFP)

Click here to watch Caroline Markolin’s GNM Lecture Video “VIRUS MANIA. The Truth about Infectious Diseases” (in English or with French, Dutch, or Polish subtitles). The lecture was recorded in November 2009, after the outbreak of the “swine flu”. Only the name of the “virus” changed …

Watch Caroline Markolin's recording
GNM and Covid-19  HERE


1. Based on the Fourth Biological Law, microbes don’t cause diseases but play instead a vital role during the healing phase. This also applies to “viruses” (if they exist).

2. The existence of disease-causing viruses has never been scientifically substantiated. No “virus” has ever been isolated from a host cell, which is the basic criterion for proving the existence of a virus. The alleged viruses are in reality protein particles produced by the body cells during the healing process. Hence, there are no “exogenous viruses” (transmitted from person to person), as claimed.

3. Based on the two phases of every Biological Special Program (Second Biological Law), “infections” cannot be transmitted to another person since the symptoms (fever, nasal discharge, coughing) are already healing symptoms. Thus, it is rather the FEAR of the disease that is “contagious” than the “infection” itself.

4. The symptoms of the “coronavirus infection” range from common cold symptoms to respiratory symptoms. In GNM terms, related to a “scent conflict” (“smelling” danger or a threat) and a “territorial fear conflict” (a fear in one’s domain).

5. A concurrent abandonment conflict (being put in quarantine, separation from loved ones), existence conflict (my life is at stake, fear of losing one’s livelihood) or hospitalization conflict, involving the kidney collecting tubules (the SYNDROME), causes pneumonia. With a big fear this can lead to death.

Serbian Translation

French Translation

“With millions of people now infected worldwide, researchers have started to observe that COVID-19 has the potential to attack the entire body, not just the respiratory system. ABC News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jennifer Ashton said it's unclear why the CDC added these symptoms now.”

With the knowledge of GNM
we are in a safe place

April 27, 2020

A loss of smell (anosmia) is linked to the olfactory nerves and the biological conflict of “not being able to smell something or someone”. Curfews and “social distancing” (not being able to smell a loved one, a friend, a school mate, a teacher) can easily trigger the conflict; but also the opposite, namely, “not wanting to smell someone” because of the fear of getting infected by coming too close to a person. The symptom occurs during conflict activity

A loss of taste is linked to the posterior third of the tongue and the conflict of “not being able to taste something” caused, for example, by a fear of not being able to buy food or not being allowed to eat out due to the shutdown of restaurants.

April 20, 2020

“It may be a sign of
asymptomatic COVID-19 patients”

“COVID toes” are linked to a severe separation conflict involving the periosteal nerves. During the conflict-active phase, the capillaries become narrow causing a restricted blood circulation that shows as reddish-purple bumps or discoloration, simliar to frostbites. The medical term for the condition is chilblains, or pernio.

The separation conflict associated with the toes can be triggered by the distress of having to separate or wanting to separate from a certain place (the ground one walks on). Curfews forcing people to stay at home and not being allowed to visit (“walk on”) a favorite place (playground, sports facilities, parks, restaurants, etc.) can provoke the conflict.

March 25, 2020

“Ophtalmologists may be the first doctors to see patients who are possibly infected
with COVID-19”

A pink eye, or conjunctivitis, is linked to a visual separation conflict of having lost sight of someone or not being allowed to see someone. The inflammation of the conjunctiva occurs in the healing phase, after the conflict has been (temporarily) resolved.

For a right-handed person, the right eye is affected when the visual separation conflict is associated with a partner; the left eye, when the conflict is mother/child-related. For left-hander it is reversed (see principle of laterality).

April 29, 2020

“US doctors say they may have seen a possible complication of coronavirus infection in a young child: a rare inflammatory condition called Kawasaki disease” (CNN, April 29, 2020)

According to its definition, so-called Kawasaki disease includes symptoms such as an inflammation of blood vessels, large lymph nodes, a skin rash, and fever. The disease affects primarily children under five years of age.

In GNM terms, this translates into a combination of a separation conflict, involving the epidermis (a loss of physical contact) and a self-devaluation conflict, involving the blood vessels and/or the lymph nodes. The symptoms (skin rash, inflammation of blood vessels, swollen lymph nodes) develop when the conflicts have been (temporarily) resolved.

Children are particularly vulnerable to suffer separation conflicts. For infants, a separation from the family (from a parent, sibling, grandparent, favorite relative, playmate) is usually also a self-devaluation conflict (being helpless = “worthless” without the “pack”). This is why the related symptoms often occur together; typically, affecting the entire body (see generalized conflict).

Greek Translation

A study published in the November 2013 edition of Cancer Causes and Control found a significant association between induced abortion and breast cancer.

Even if a woman deliberately terminates the pregnancy, an abortion (loss of the fetus) can still activate a separation conflict (from the unborn offspring) with the development of an intra-ductal breast cancer. On a subtle psycho-biological level, the female could also experience a child-worry conflict concerning the life of the fetus resulting in a glandular breast cancer.

Click here to read the abstract of this study

Click here to watch Caroline Markolin's GNM Lecture Video

The Third Biological Law explains the nature of cancer within the context of the evolutionary development of the human organism. Based on the two-phase pattern of every disease (Second Biological Law) we recognize that cancers are not, as assumed, “malignancies” but instead age-old meaningful survival programs (Fifth Biological Law).

Click here to read the article in
The Guardian (November 18, 2012)

Click here to read the article in
The New England Journal of Medicine
(November 22, 2012)

With the knowledge of German New Medicine®, a breast cancer diagnosis is no longer a reason to panic.

A study published on March 23, 2018 in Science found that blood vessels in lymph nodes
provide “an alternative route for metastatic tumor cell dissemination” in mice.

Click here to read Caroline Markolin’s article
Questioning the Metastasis Theory

Mainstream medical science has consistently argued that “metastatic tumor cells” migrate through the bloodstream or the lymphatic system to other organs where they cause a second cancerous growth. Now we are told that “whether cancer cells in lymph nodes can seed distant metastases has been a subject of considerable debate”. Why this uncertainty?
In this experiment, cancer cells were implanted into the lymph nodes of mice. The aim of the study was to monitor through the use of a high-contrast photoconvertible fluorescent protein (Dendra2) the behaviour of tumor cells in lymph nodes. The researchers found that fractions of the cancer cells “invaded” local blood vessels in the node, entered the blood circulation, and colonized the lungs (see Abstract).

Why did the experimenters not simulate the entire “metastatic process” by implanting cancer cells, let’s say of a liver tumor, into the liver of a mouse, and show, as it has been claimed, that the cancer cells break away from the site (the primary tumor), travel through the lymphatic system to the lymph nodes … The fact that injected tumor cells move through the bloodstream, after they got into the lymph node’s blood vessels, is nothing out of the ordinary. Once in the blood circulation, there is no other way to go. This observation does not validate the metastasis theory.

Why were the cancer cells only found in the lungs and not in ALL organs that are supplied with blood? If the injected cancer cells take the pathway of the blood flow, they should be found throughout the entire body.  

According to the study, the tumor cells “colonized” the lungs. Evidently, the cancer cells did not grow a tumor. Only the proliferation of the injected cancer cells in an organ would justify the assertion that “lymph node metastasis can be a source of distant metastasis”. 

German New Medicine does not dispute the existence of secondary cancers. Based on the science of GNM, a second cancer is not caused by “spreading” cancer cells but is the result of simultaneous or further conflicts that are biologically linked to the corresponding organ as well as to the brain relays from where the cancers are controlled (see First Biological Law)