NOTE: A male with a normal hormone status, that is, when his testosterone level is higher than his estrogen level, experiences a sexual conflict as a male sexual conflict affecting the prostate. With a low testosterone status he perceives the conflict as a female sexual conflict linked to the coronary veins, controlled from the left temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex (see Principle of Gender, Laterality, and Hormone Status).
A male with a low testosterone status is no longer able to experience a territorial conflict (territorial fear conflict, territorial loss conflict, territorial anger conflict, territorial marking conflict) in biological terms. Dr. Hamer established that a (territorial) fear, (territorial) anger, (territorial) loss, or (territorial) marking conflict involving a female affects, therefore, also the prostate.
NOTE: Strictly speaking, the term “PSA-Prostate Specific Antigen” is a misnomer because so-called PSA is also produced in the liver, lungs, or salivary glands. This explains why men whose prostate has been removed might still show an elevated PSA level. Even female organs such as the breast and the Skene's gland produce “PSA” (Source: The New England Journal of Medicine, September 21, 2000).
Questioning PSA Screening
Founded on latest research, the American Society of Clinical Oncology and the American College of Physicians concluded that “it is uncertain whether the benefits associated with PSA testing for prostate cancer screening are worth the harms associated with screening and subsequent unnecessary treatment” (Journal of Clinical Oncology, August 2012).
In line with evolutionary reasoning, territorial conflicts, sexual conflicts, and separation conflicts are the primary conflict themes associated with organs of ectodermal origin, controlled from the sensory, pre-motor sensory and post-sensory cortex.
The Biological Special Program of the mucosa of the prostatic ducts follows the OUTER SKIN SENSITIVITY PATTERN with hyposensitivity during the conflict-active phase and the Epileptoid Crisis and hypersensitivity in the healing phase.
NOTE: The cell proliferation that takes place with the growth of a teratoma is the same as it occurs in the development of the fetus. During the first three months of pregnancy, the cell increase follows the principle of old brain-controlled organs with cell proliferation in sympathicotonia (conflict-active phase). Starting at the fourth month of gestation, the cell proliferation follows the pattern of cerebrum-controlled organs with cell proliferation in vagotonia (healing phase).
“The discovery of the New Medicine began with the death of my son Dirk. On August 18, 1978, Dirk was shot near the Mediterrean island of Cavallo/Corsica by the Italian Crown Prince Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy. Three and a half months later, on December 7, 1978, Dirk succumbed to his injuries and died in my arms at the University Clinic in Heidelberg…
… now I am aware that on that day, I had suffered a profound loss conflict with the development of a testicular cancer. The biopsy revealed a testicular teratoma. At the time I underwent surgery. Today, with the understanding of the Iron Rule of Cancer, I would certainly never do so…” (Ryke Geerd Hamer).
NOTE: Whether the right or left testicle is affected is determined by a man’s handedness and whether the conflict is mother/child or partner-related.
NOTE: All organs that derive from the new mesoderm (“surplus group”), including the testicles, show the biological purpose at the end of the healing phase. After the healing process has been completed, the organ or tissue is stronger than before, which allows being better prepared for a conflict of the same kind.
In line with evolutionary reasoning, attack conflicts are the primary conflict theme associated with cerebellum-controlled organs deriving from the old mesoderm.
NOTE: Whether the right or left testicle is affected is determined by a man’s handedness and whether the conflict is mother/child or partner-related. A localized conflict affects the “attacked” testicle.
In line with evolutionary reasoning, self-devaluation conflicts are the primary conflict theme associated with cerebral medulla-controlled organs deriving from the new mesoderm.
NOTE: The penile erection is controlled from the parasympathetic nervous system, ejaculation from the sympathetic nervous system (see male and female orgasm). Hence, the male sex drive is activated in vagotonia. This is why a man cannot have an erection under stress or with intense conflict activity of any biological conflict. The same applies to females (see also vaginal lubrication).
In line with evolutionary reasoning, territorial conflicts, sexual conflicts, and separation conflicts are the primary conflict themes associated with organs of ectodermal origin, controlled from the sensory, pre-motor sensory and post-sensory cortex.
The Biological Special Program of the glans penis follows the GULLET MUCOSA SENSITIVITY PATTERN with hypersensitivity during the conflict-active phase and the Epileptoid Crisis and hyposensitivity in the healing phase.
NOTE: With the exception of the glans penis and glans clitoris, the external genitals follow the Outer Skin Sensitivity Pattern since they are controlled from the sensory cortex.
NOTE: All Epileptoid Crises that are controlled from the sensory, post-sensory, or pre-motor sensory cortex are accompanied by troubled circulation, dizzy spells, short disturbances of consciousness or a complete loss of consciousness (fainting or “absence”), depending on the intensity of the conflict. Another distinctive symptom is a drop of blood sugar caused by the excessive use of glucose by the brain cells (compare with hypoglycemia related to the islet cells of the pancreas).