Dieter M., Germany

March 7, 2011

"Six weeks after the first leukemia symptoms, we had a completely recovered 'Junior'"

When my wife and I had first heard of German New Medicine in the summer of 2010, I had no particular interest in it, as no one in my family had any health concerns. However, something extraordinary happened shortly after. I would like share the story with you here.

At the end of 2010, my wife had stopped breastfeeding our two-year-old son, since we also have a one-year-old daughter who needed the breast milk more urgently. Knowing GNM, my wife was very much aware of the consequences of potential conflicts, but in this case she didn't think much about it, as she was quite overwhelmed with nursing both kids at once.

Sometime around the beginning of 2011 our son started to get a high fever. Within a few hours his temperature was over 40 C (104 F) degrees. He first went through a phase of almost 48 hours of ongoing sleep, after which he got noticeable pain. Where did he feel the pain? When he pointed to his upper and lower jaws, all became clear. It was exactly the area associated with nursing! Now we knew that he had experienced the withdrawal from his mother's breast as "Mama doesn't love me anymore!", that he had resolved his self-devaluation conflict ("Mama loves me again!"), and was now in the healing phase.

My wife is an ex-nurse, and I've been working mainly in ambulance-service for almost twenty years. This to say, that we are familiar with the course that illnesses normally take. It took therefore a considerable amount of willpower on our part to let the healing process proceed without consulting any doctors. We were aware that after a blood test our son would be immediately admitted to a hospital where he was in danger of being treated with "Chemo".

The vagotonic phase continued over the following days. He slept a lot, was intermittently in a lot of pain, and made a very sick impression on us. He couldn't even stand up when he tried to walk on his own - he simply fell over. Added to that he had spontaneous episodes of blood coming out of his mouth and from his cheek (like when one squeezes a pimple). But, we kept holding on tightly to the idea of this being part of the healing phase.

The fever abated four days later, but the pain remained. This carried on for about four weeks. Since we knew all about the allopathic diagnosis of 'leukemia', we kept completely quiet about his condition around our friends. During that time, I immersed myself again in the books on German New Medicine and would find myself reassured about the way we were handling the whole situation.

We did, however, involve our three older children (8, 10 and 11) so that they could witness first hand how a meaningful biological program runs its natural course.

To date, we are still in a state of astonishment as to how a small child, who is manifesting all the classic symptoms of a "cancer of the blood", can become totally healthy on his own! During the whole time, his Mom had of course made an extra effort at looking after the little boy, showing him that she was neither neglecting him nor preferring others over him.

Six weeks after the fever had started and the typical leukemia symptoms had first occurred, we had a completely recovered "Junior", who was enjoying the fullest of health and vitality.  

We are, with all our hearts, overjoyed and most thankful!  

Translated from the original German document

Disclaimer: The information in this testimonial does not replace professional medical advice.

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